Sunday, July 18, 2010

I was raised a Christan and always believed the was a Heaven and a Hell. It wasn't until my Grandpa died that I was certain there was a Heaven and people really do go Home to God.

My Grandpa was really sick for a long time. We all knew he was going to pass away real soon. I wasn't there, but from what my Dad tells me, my Grandpa saw Angels. I won't get into it because that's something special my Dad had with my Grandpa. The story my Dad told me will stay with me forever.

I'm sure you've heard stories, as I did, about people seeing Angels before the die. Well this is one story I will always believe. There was no reason my Grandpa had to lie or make anything up, he was dying and a firm believer in God.

I love you Grandpa, and miss you very much!